Friday, 7 November 2014

Wild & Windy

The weather has been wild & windy on Unst these last two days, the ferries have been cancelled and even venturing out to take the peerie man to nursery has been a challenge, so how better to wile away my odd free hours than in front of a gloriously hot peat fire, working on my mandala cushion, watching the waves tearing across the voe.
 The mandala is now complete and my next job is to square it off & turn it into Sophie's Garden. I was tempted to block it, as it is a little wavy, but have decided to see what it is like after the squaring instead. I hadn't intended the colour scheme to turn out as it has, it was an organic process which at times has left me wanting to pull it out and start over but I must admit that it is growing on me. I am normally drawn to muted tones but for some mad reason have decided that my life needs more colour, even if it doesn't sit that comfortably with me at the moment.
The wind speed and direction has caused the sea in the voe to be more that a little bit choppy, but it's so exciting watching the waves rolling in, crashing into the bedrock and sending spray tens of feet into the air. It's a battle to keep upright in the wind and the short walk to the car makes your hair thick with salt and your lips briny. The wonderful white nights of the summer have also passed and the darkness rolls in at around 4pm.

I really did try to photograph the spray, several times, but each time I went out it was so windy I struggled to hold the camera still and couldn't catch anything of any magnificence. True to form, every time I came back in, there one was!

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